

Hi, Pete, what's up?", interupted Chris, also an ECE major.
"I'm writing a narrative paper forReplica Handbags Interp. Congrats, your the first narrative part!"
"What are you writing about?"
"Well, basicly about why I dislike the non-engineering courses of the engineering curriculum."
"Good! I agree with you. Handbags ReplicaThese courses take all my time. I'd much rather be taking some cool electronics course than world history."
"Thanks Chris, well, talk to you later...", IGucci 2009 Handbags cut him off.
"Ok, I gotta go read my EMail"
Well, this proves my point. Unfortunately, it seems that there are some students, even friends of mine, who have one tracked minds. Chris a perfect example of the student who's apathy perpetuates the pattern of schools providing the minimum.
However, this student is not satisfied. I am not only interested in my major. I am actually interested in certain areas of the humanities, such as classic literature and economics, and in the sciences such as biology and chemistry. I suppose I should feel fortunate that one of these four, economics, will fit into my curriculum. However I will be unable to take the rest of them because humanities requirements in 2009 Designer Handbagswhich I am less interested, the requirements which allow the school to provide the minimum, take precedence in the core.
As far as English goes I will be one of the first to claim that a strong command of written and spoken language is important for my life outside academia. Personally I believe a direct approach at teaching me these language skills than an inteGucci bags,rpretation course would be more useful and thus more aReplica Bagsppropriate for me. Unfortunately, this type of course is not available to fulfil my core requirements.
The core is attempting to create a public high school curriculum out of a private engineering curriculum. Strict adherence to a set curriculum was required in High School and lower level education in order to gain a spackling of a basis in everything. University education is supposed to be the time when one can finally choose topics in which they are personally interested. Recently I learned that a friend of mine who is a Math and Computer Science major is planning to transfer to a liberal arts school to major in Math and then do graduate work in Computer Science. To make this decisionLouis Vuitton, I thought, he must have thought about the curriculum here, so I had a discussion with him over dinner.
"So why are you planing to transfer?", I asked.
"Well, when I was applying to college I thought that I would be able to learn specific stuff as an undergraduate and then I'd be able to learn other things in graduate school. Now I understand that undergraduate education is the time where one is supposed to learn diverse things and this opportunity is lost if not taken advantage of during the undergraduate years. I'm not getting this from CMU. There are very few courses that I am allowed to take outside my major and those courses are often not very interesting. Here for example, we have a choice of two English courses, and they are so similar that there really is no choice. At the school I plan to transfer to they have an option to spend up to four semesters studying the classics!" He seemed very excited, but then quieted dLouis Vuitton Bagsown a bit and asked, "Am I crazy?"
"Sounds interesting to me. Why do you ask if I think you're crazy?"
"Most of my friends say that going to a liberal arts school will get me no where and that I will not be successful if I receive and arts degree rather than a degree in science."
"Does the school you areLouis Vuitton 2009 Handbags transfering to have a good curriculum in your intended major?"
"No, that's the problem, theyGucci Replica Handbags have a whole two Computer Science courses, both of which I am far beyond."

